Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Tuesday 22 September 2009


Skins is based on basic teenagers and what they do e.g parties, relationships and stress they go through.

In Skins most of the episodes are usually to do with partying, usually houseparties and in those parties either a new relationship begins amongst their friends or relationship ends at thoses parties plus although there is partying, there are sad moments in this drama. usually in their lifes.

Skins was made for a teenage audience. It is a programme most teenagers can relate to because of their age n settings n personallitys in skins. it has ups and down to their life which any teenager has so it engages the audience plus most of teenagers party alot which this program has alot of.

Friday 18 September 2009

This is a famous film i watched quite a while ago. The target audience of this film was for teenagers around 15 and over. It was based in everyday teenagers lives going into adult life. It was a sequel to Kidulthood where it shows the cast in school life so most of the teenagers that watched kidulthood watched adulthood because it was based on the audiences age. It was the "most talked" film among teenagers.