Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Q1,In what ways does your media product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE forms and conventions of real media products?

Q1,In what ways does your media product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE forms and conventions of real media products?

The film was called 'Eternal Beauty'. It is a drama genre. It is really easy to tell it is a drama genre because of the non-diegetic sound and how our main character is presented. Normal films have a happy ending, where everyone is living good lives after, this ending although she has come a long way and have been successful with the message she wanted to tell people but she eventually dies of cancer. This adds more to the drama effect.
Our opening sequence does include codes and conventions of a drama which has so the audience can work out what genre it is from the start. An example of this is how she is kneeling on the ground. This shows us that she is weak, vulnerable and feels she cannot take life anymore because of how sad she is. We needed to show the main character like this so the audience feels more involved in the story and can tell straight away what the genre is rather than her just sitting on a table with her photo album because it doesn’t give no clues how the character is feeling which would not give a drama effect. Another example is how the camera shots are slow and edited so it dissolves between every shot. This is because it gives the audience a clue of the genre usually if shots are faster they are usually associated with being an action movie, gangster movie etc. We needed to have slow pace shots so it will show it is a drama and the non diegetic sound fitted with the pace. We had to keep it nice and simple but effective instead of added to many things that would confuse the audience.
We included themes like love, dream, life, hope, sadness, hate.
These themes all fit in our movie category. We included all these themes in our opening sequence, so the audience was kept interested. The theme of hate is a big contrast to the others e.g. love and hope. It fits in because she experience people that hate her or envy her and how she has to hold all this pain in herself which eventually turns to hate.

Friday 4 December 2009

Storyboard 2

StoryBoard 2

Location Reece

Location Recce

Location Details
Possible problems
Risks assessments
Drama Block Corner

Outside sports hall

Common Room

Stairs- media block



Classroom M2

Green Place

Netball players


Chairs, rubbish, noise.

People and noise

Cars noise and kids.

Wrong key

Door problems, slipping, people coming in and out.

Could get dirty.
Electrical, disabled toilets.

Someone could get hurt

Someone could trip over a chair

Someone could trip over a step and fall down.


Locker could slap someone in the face.

Someone could slip on the floor.

Someone could trip over the curtain. Or the curtain can just fall.



Wednesday 2 December 2009



By signing this contract I agree to the following conditions put to me by the production team.

Turn up on time
Bring props which I have confirmed I will bring in. (prom dress, home photo’s, school dress, Casual clothing)
Commit myself to after school shooting according to timetable.
To co-operate with the production team at all times.
To be professional at all times.
To attend rehearsal’s according to timetable.
Provide contact information (mobile number , address, email)

We understand that you are also in the process of you pre-production and are thankful for your commitment and co-operation. If at anytime you want to contact the production team our information is as stated below. Thank you

Signature of Student………………………

Joshua Freeland (Director) -
Daniel Mutambo (Camera) -
Antoinette seki (Sound) -