Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Friday 27 November 2009

Character analysis



Cast and props list

Esma as Claire
Extras As Claire's friends (for photos)

  • Telephone
  • Birthday cake
  • Candles
  • Photographs e.g. claire's birthday, Claire with her friends

Thursday 26 November 2009


Character narration:

How can someone with such a bright future,
have no future at all.
A girl with a goal, but doesn't know, but doesn't know where she is going.
How can someone so beautiful, have the most ugliest life.
Want to know?
...Ask me...
I may not be beautiful, but i have eternal beauty.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Setting Up Camera and Sound

Setting Up Camera.
- We place stand up.
- Unclip the bottom.
- Twist the first level and second level knobs and raise the stand.
- Take camera out and slide it on stand.
- Configure the spirit level.
- Slide battery pack in.
- Open tape cover and put tape in.
- Turn the camera on and put it on icon [A]

Setting Up Sound
- Screw and connect the two parts of the microphone together.
- Insert microphone into the two clips of the holder.
- Insert the microphone in the holder into the windshield.
- Connect lead to back of microphone
- Attach the cover to enclose microphone
- Take out the boom pole, extend 2 levels. And screw into hole of windshield holder.
- Connect the other end of the black lead to the “Channel 1” on the camera.
- Connect the headphones.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Treatment For 'Eternal Beauty'

Eternal beauty, look beyond the visual. A dream worth fighting for.

Claire is placed into a battle with cancer which she can not win. She is fighting for an opportunity as well as her life. She faces many struggles as she spreads her message to the world and when she has past away her message will live on.


We start the story by introducing our main character Claire. Claire is a 16 year old model whose ambition in life is to be successful. She is a beautiful young girl who has everything going for her until one day her dreams are put on hold as she discovers a lump in her breast. Claire is diagnosed with breast cancer and is told that she will have to undergo chemotherapy. She is devastated by the idea of losing her hair and begins to fall into depression. She sees her dream slowly slipping away and decides to lock herself away from society. Her family are also affected, as her parent’s focus all their time on her they have no time for their eldest son who turns to a life of crime. Her confidence hits rock bottom and she is a shadow of her former self, she tries to commit suicide numerous times and her mother contemplates leaving.

This is until one day during a visit to the hospital she meets a young girl who suffers from leukaemia. The girl has lost both of her legs but she one of the happiest people in the hospital. Seeing how much worse it could be Claire decides to try and get back into modelling and show people looks count for nothing. She has the support of family and friends and she goes from modelling agency to modelling agency looking for a chance. She gains press coverage and support from people around the world as she tries and sends her message to people just like her. She also gets criticism from other professional models who set up a group to campaign to stop her from being the face of a new calendar. She battles them all the way until she is given the go ahead by the company and more importantly the public who have supported her all the way.

She jumps at the chance and raises thousands of pounds for charity. Through her journey she has touched may people and given many girls hope. She carries on her work and raises even more money while still having treatment. After a year of battling she loses her battle to cancer and passes away. Although she is no longer with us her message is kept alive by the people she helped and given hope to.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Genre Research

Target audience – The target audience for this genre is 16 and over or 18 and over depending of what the film contains in it e.g. if 16 and over not extreme shooting, a little amount of drugs and no nude. If the genre is 18 and over the film would have shooting, gore, drugs and nude.

Codes of Conventions.
The codes and conventions of scarface was suits, violent acts, murder , weapons and luxury items. this suited a gangsta genre because that is what its all about , money and power. That what Al Capone wanted in the movie.
The director of this movie is Martin Scorsese which does successful films in that type of genre. Al Capone was excellent for the part aswell because he was well known for gangster films e.g taxi driver.

Hana Yori Dango (Japanese Drama)

This opening shows the main character and she is narrating the opening sequence. We know who the main character is because the camera keeps referring back to her with big close ups, long shots, medium shots. It is set in a school and while everyone is sitting together with her friends, she sits alone in the middle of the room. The audience can sense that she is lonely and don’t fit in. She even complains about her classmates objects and how rich they are, which makes the audience think that she don’t fit in and she is not as wealthy as others in her school.
The drama is typical to the genre because in the opening we have establish that she is in school with has no friends and doesn’t fit in when other people that are rich have a lot of friends. The music is dark and soft at the same time because one of the instruments used is a xylophone which has a dark sound to it but sweet aswell. For the genre it helps because it goes well with the dialog which helps us figure out the genre because together they help us sense loneliness of what the character is feeling.

Seven Pounds

The opening introduces the main character with a close up so the audience doesn't get confused who it is and to show his expression early to show make the audience get into the genre. It also has dialog while it just shows text on the screen to create more of a dramatic opening. It also has a powerful statement in the beginning of the opening sequence when his narrating. “In 7 days god created the world... And in 7 seconds, I shattered mine” this is powerful and from this you can tell the genre straight away because it is a dramatic line.
It is typical in it genre because it plans to engage the audience at a early stage plus the music adds to the dramatic side , they used orchestra strings to make the music sad and keep referring back to the main characters face as well because his face shows his sad mood.
The character meets the typical genre expectation because something bad has happened to him and we can see that by the way he is acting.
The music is used to show the sad feeling and to get the audience to feel that sad feeling. It is slow paced with strings with makes it more dramatic so it fits in the drama category.
The titles are a bit plain but it has dialog to let the audience work out whats going on.

Slumdog Millionaire -

The opening sequence starts as two boys who are searching for food. they try to get food from a train and steal food from other people who are travelling. It shows what the little children do to survive. Its states that clearly and early to make a dramatic opening. It sets up the audience for the rest of the film. It shows how people struggle in life e.g. the less fortunate to eat a meal, to survive. It is a different way to show the struggles in life than the ordinary sad openings.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Analysing Song Lyrics

Drake - Something
It is about a girl that he has tried to get for so long, tried every method to get her but realised it couldn't work and didn't work out in the end. The girl leaves him and he is heartbroken, ask questions to himself, just stunned and sad

"You got me hear watching minutes pass by, wondering when to expect you"
"now that its over, should of known better"
"slowed it down cos i feel you needed time, but i kept thinking, this could be something"
"maybe its just nothing at all?" and repeats it

-The idea of starting a story from there is that a guy or girl tried to get a love partner but they are waiting on the person. They try do every method to get his love partner but questioning himself along the way. It is a drama genre.

Jagged Edge - Whats it like
It is about a person that is eager to find out what is it like to be in love, whats someone to show the person and wonders if he'll would ever be in love.

"wanna be in love"
"im just wondering will i ever know me"
"ive been hoping, somebody show me whats it like to be in love"

- It is a drama genre. the idea of this would be the are on a quest for love and hoping they find it.

black eyed peas - meet me halfway
It is about one partner in a relationship wants the other partner to try more because the partner feels that they have tried the hardest they can so the partner is asking each other to put in same effort.

"i cant go any further than this, i want you so bad it's my only wish"
"meet me halfway, right at the border line is where I'm gonna wait, for you"
"took my heart to the limit and this is where ill stay"

- Drama genre. The idea for this is they are in a relationship and and one person in the relationship feels the other one is not putting that much effort. The ending might be they leave him for a better man.

Biggie Smalls - Party and Bull****
It is about what him and his friends do in their everyday lives and when they go parties they try not to get into trouble but people provoke them.

"honeys wanna chat, but all i wanna know is where the party at,
and can i bring my gat, if not, hope i don't get shot,
better throw my vest "
"cant we all get along? So i can put hickes on her chest like lil' Shawn"

- Action genre. Teenagers love parting but while in parties get in trouble and a fight breaks out or shooting.

T dot Flirtz - Pain I'm feeling
About a boy that was getting along with this girl and the girl led him on but then wanted to be back to friends again but the boy is saying that he wishing he told her things he could of said but was in his mind and that when she told him that they should just be friends, he saying that his coping but inside of him there is a pain he is feeling.

"you weren't mine and i weren't yours but we would act it behind close doors"
"said it was over and I'm slowly dealing but deep inside there's this awful pain I'm feeling"

-This is a drama genre. The idea is boy and a girl gets together but never worked out in the end.

K koke - true stories
This is about a friend he was trusting but then he found out that his friend was not trust worthy and didn't help him when he was in trouble then now he hates him and want to get him back.

"i sit back and i think a bit, there's alot pricks around when i think of it"
" you knew me dont act like you know me, your phony"

- this is a gangsta genre. It can be a gang that have a rivalry with another gang and him and his friends are caught by this gang and the friend is secretly working with the gang that caught them to so they beat up the main character. The main character seeks revenge.