Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Thursday 5 November 2009

Genre Research

Target audience – The target audience for this genre is 16 and over or 18 and over depending of what the film contains in it e.g. if 16 and over not extreme shooting, a little amount of drugs and no nude. If the genre is 18 and over the film would have shooting, gore, drugs and nude.

Codes of Conventions.
The codes and conventions of scarface was suits, violent acts, murder , weapons and luxury items. this suited a gangsta genre because that is what its all about , money and power. That what Al Capone wanted in the movie.
The director of this movie is Martin Scorsese which does successful films in that type of genre. Al Capone was excellent for the part aswell because he was well known for gangster films e.g taxi driver.

Hana Yori Dango (Japanese Drama)

This opening shows the main character and she is narrating the opening sequence. We know who the main character is because the camera keeps referring back to her with big close ups, long shots, medium shots. It is set in a school and while everyone is sitting together with her friends, she sits alone in the middle of the room. The audience can sense that she is lonely and don’t fit in. She even complains about her classmates objects and how rich they are, which makes the audience think that she don’t fit in and she is not as wealthy as others in her school.
The drama is typical to the genre because in the opening we have establish that she is in school with has no friends and doesn’t fit in when other people that are rich have a lot of friends. The music is dark and soft at the same time because one of the instruments used is a xylophone which has a dark sound to it but sweet aswell. For the genre it helps because it goes well with the dialog which helps us figure out the genre because together they help us sense loneliness of what the character is feeling.

Seven Pounds

The opening introduces the main character with a close up so the audience doesn't get confused who it is and to show his expression early to show make the audience get into the genre. It also has dialog while it just shows text on the screen to create more of a dramatic opening. It also has a powerful statement in the beginning of the opening sequence when his narrating. “In 7 days god created the world... And in 7 seconds, I shattered mine” this is powerful and from this you can tell the genre straight away because it is a dramatic line.
It is typical in it genre because it plans to engage the audience at a early stage plus the music adds to the dramatic side , they used orchestra strings to make the music sad and keep referring back to the main characters face as well because his face shows his sad mood.
The character meets the typical genre expectation because something bad has happened to him and we can see that by the way he is acting.
The music is used to show the sad feeling and to get the audience to feel that sad feeling. It is slow paced with strings with makes it more dramatic so it fits in the drama category.
The titles are a bit plain but it has dialog to let the audience work out whats going on.

Slumdog Millionaire -

The opening sequence starts as two boys who are searching for food. they try to get food from a train and steal food from other people who are travelling. It shows what the little children do to survive. Its states that clearly and early to make a dramatic opening. It sets up the audience for the rest of the film. It shows how people struggle in life e.g. the less fortunate to eat a meal, to survive. It is a different way to show the struggles in life than the ordinary sad openings.

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