Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Sunday 11 October 2009

Mini Film Task Evaluation

My personal objectives of The task?
My personal objectives for this task was:
Give Ideas

In our group we had to make our task creative as possible in the short time we had, we put in low angle shot, high angle shots , long shots etc. We didnt have much time to plan but it worked well.
I gave some input in our ideas in the group and taking ideas on board, this went well because everyone in our group was open to ideas.
Teamwork workd well becuase between ourself we assigned roles to each other and everyone was happy on what they got. Everyone was giving constructive critism in the group to make it betta if we done something wrong.

What Went Good?
The positive side of our task is that we got all da shots we wanted, the actors e.g me and katie were working their best to make it like a real drama and it got completed within the time limit, we met the deadline so to me it went well plus when we watched it back, no mistakes where made.

What Can We Improve? Any Problems?
We should of improve the location because it was noisy e.g music from the music rooms. This could remove the continuety in the shots. People keep interupting our shots by walking in and out. We need to look for better location to do the scenes so nothing can go wrong. The best location i think would of been outside because it was noisy indoors because everyone was walking about but outside seemed quiet.

Needed More Time?
We needed more time to see which locations where available and book them out to make the shots perfect. We needed more time aswell to make a perfect storyboard because we needed 10 shots n we just made 10 after we already started filming.

Monday 5 October 2009

Camera Evaluation

Canon XH A1
HD Camcorder


- 1/3" 1.67MP 3CCD for HDV1080i
- 20x optical zoom lens with OIS
- Instant AF and Focus Assist
- Compact design
- Focus, zoom and iris rings
- Widescreen LCD and EVF
- Complete image control
- Cine gamma and custom presets
- Hot-shoe and XLR audio

The HDV1080i XH A1 is perfectly balanced for easy handheld shooting. Full control over image variables, with new ultra-fast Instant AF, makes the XH A1 an ideal digital filmmaker’s tool

How digital technology compared to analogue technology has changed the way films are being made:

Todays technologyas improve to make films more easier to record and advanced e.g. HD.More and more techniques are improving and used more technical to please the audience. Many film-makers are now using this method a lot more as it is quick and easy to use and store. media can now be stored on CD’s, USB, cassettes,etc.

Prelim Task Evaluation

What were your learning objectives for this project?

To improve teamwork skills
Working as a team is important because we had to put scripts and storyboards together if not then we wouldn’t of been passionate about what we are doing.
To improve our creative skills
This is important because without creativity, being behind the camera wont be effective and the drama and the shots will be boring.
Meeting Deadlines
This project was helping us on working according to time to meet deadlines.
Practical Skills
My practical skills have improved because setting up, and pack away became easier and use equipment with no problems and so we know what we doing when another project like this happens.

Highlight key areas within your preliminary task, using specific references from your project.

There was shot reverse shots in shots 8, 9, 7 and 13 to show the conversation between the two characters.
Continuity was used in the shots by trying to keep everything the same in all shots e.g. We kept headphones on the table in the same position between the shots and shows the character picking up the headphones and putting it in his ear in the continuing shot.
180 degree rule was kept, we was making sure that were recording to one side of both of the characters e.g. If I am recording the right side of one character than I have to record the left side of the other character.
There are things we need to improve from, e.g. being organised so we are ready when the times come so we have the room ready for us and have a backup plan when the plan backfires so we have more choices to go from. Our script were set in a gym and akin needed to use one of the gym machines but the room was full and we wasn't able to use it so we had to use a different room and work round it, it workd well but still need to be more organised.

In what ways has your media project developed your production skills?

This media project help with planning, time management, creativity, practical skills, continuity, group work and technology.
This media project helped me with planning because I wasn't familiar with the storyboard so the project help me understand and use it in the future.
My time management has improved because of this media project because with this project it is important and have to do what is needed according to time.
This Creativity has improved because this project allows anyone to be as creative as they want to be, this includes shots, movement, making the drama and the genre type. It has helped me to say my ideas n contribute.
The technology side of this project has improved because I didn't know how to how to use the equipment and after the projects I know how to use it confidently.

In what ways has your media project developed your production skills?

Continuity was important in the media project so we had to do it to perfection so this skill improved because before I started recording had to make sure that nothing was changed in the scene e.g. Something from the table, what the characters where wearing or any accessories.
Group work was a vital key to make the media project the best as we can so all in the group had to put 100% in the work and we had to listen to what each other had to say and had to take care of different jobs. It has developed my group work ability because I didn't really say my ideas before this project but this project I put in a lot of ideas.
My practical skills improved by understanding how people change from shot to shot, the movement and the continuity. We used this in our group and it went well.

Who would be the audience of your media project? Why?

The audience of our media project would be teenagers who are likely to be in sixth form or secondary school because our actors our young and it is set in a school and are smart dressed. A add-on to our target audience is people who are interested in dance because one of the characters are in the dance academy looking for her teammates. It has no particular ethnicity, gender or religion it is targeted to.

How did you attract/address your audience?

The Characters attract our audience because it was set for teenagers in school or sixth form and the characters are young and are dress as how the audience would dress as they are at school.
The script relates to the audience because one of the characters are looking for the dance academy people, this can target teenagers that dance.

The video camera we used was canon XHA1 it has built with many options. We used the microphone on the camera instead of an external microphone that is connected by Xlr input on the camera. We had ideas for the use of the external microphone but he couldn't at the time because of running out of time so we had to improvise the off - screen sound.

7) Post production - What did you learn about the editing process? How did you make decisions while editing? How did you plan your time to complete the editing task? What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area? What would you do differenly next time?

what i learnt about the editing process - i learnt how to
Split and Trim - press (C) on keyboard and it will change the tool then click on the part you want to split on the video shots then after press (V)on the keyboard and click on 1 part of the shots you split and delete.
Assemble edit - drag the shots you need to the timeline
Capture - press F5 when the project is just opened, make sure the camera is linked to the computer and is on VCR/play. Start recording the good shots you need. It will save on the laCie drive.

While we were editing, we took out some shots that were to long and spoilt the mood and the shots we kept we thought was garanteed to keep the audience interested.
We didnt plan our time to complete the editing task we just tried to finish the editing without a time plan. We completed it in time we was given so time wasn't a problem.

My strengths of this editing task is that i have a similar program at home that is also for video editing, so this task was just getting to know where all the tools were and advancing my editing skills.
My weakness of this editing task is that when i was spliting the video shots, i wasn't clicking on the area i exactly wanted.
What i would do differently next time is make a time plan, so editing will get done quicker. e.g. do capturing for certain amount of minutes then do assemble editing for certain amount of minutes. This way we are working in time deadlines so everyone is working at a good pace.

Friday 2 October 2009


Scene is set in the gym and character 1 akin is working out. Character 2 Rochelle is walking along the corridor.

(Loud footsteps)

Rochelle walks into the gym no one from her dance academy is in the room she turns and looks at akin

Rochelle: hi

Akin: oh are you talking to me. (Taking of earphones)

Rochelle: err yeah durr who do you think I’m talking to; you’re the only one in the gym (smug face)

Akin: oh sorry (laughing)

Rochelle: I’m Rochelle, what’s your name.

Akin: I’m Akin

Rochelle: oi have you seen anyone from the dance academy in here.

Akin: no sorry I haven’t, (he sighs and pauses) don’t mean to be rude. But I’m trying to work out here.

Rochelle: (kisses her teeth) your rude man (walks out of room shaking her head)
