Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Friday 2 October 2009


Scene is set in the gym and character 1 akin is working out. Character 2 Rochelle is walking along the corridor.

(Loud footsteps)

Rochelle walks into the gym no one from her dance academy is in the room she turns and looks at akin

Rochelle: hi

Akin: oh are you talking to me. (Taking of earphones)

Rochelle: err yeah durr who do you think I’m talking to; you’re the only one in the gym (smug face)

Akin: oh sorry (laughing)

Rochelle: I’m Rochelle, what’s your name.

Akin: I’m Akin

Rochelle: oi have you seen anyone from the dance academy in here.

Akin: no sorry I haven’t, (he sighs and pauses) don’t mean to be rude. But I’m trying to work out here.

Rochelle: (kisses her teeth) your rude man (walks out of room shaking her head)

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