Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Sunday 11 October 2009

Mini Film Task Evaluation

My personal objectives of The task?
My personal objectives for this task was:
Give Ideas

In our group we had to make our task creative as possible in the short time we had, we put in low angle shot, high angle shots , long shots etc. We didnt have much time to plan but it worked well.
I gave some input in our ideas in the group and taking ideas on board, this went well because everyone in our group was open to ideas.
Teamwork workd well becuase between ourself we assigned roles to each other and everyone was happy on what they got. Everyone was giving constructive critism in the group to make it betta if we done something wrong.

What Went Good?
The positive side of our task is that we got all da shots we wanted, the actors e.g me and katie were working their best to make it like a real drama and it got completed within the time limit, we met the deadline so to me it went well plus when we watched it back, no mistakes where made.

What Can We Improve? Any Problems?
We should of improve the location because it was noisy e.g music from the music rooms. This could remove the continuety in the shots. People keep interupting our shots by walking in and out. We need to look for better location to do the scenes so nothing can go wrong. The best location i think would of been outside because it was noisy indoors because everyone was walking about but outside seemed quiet.

Needed More Time?
We needed more time to see which locations where available and book them out to make the shots perfect. We needed more time aswell to make a perfect storyboard because we needed 10 shots n we just made 10 after we already started filming.


  1. Daniel a good attempt at an evaluation. There are a few areas that you could have developed in order to give a more structured and concise answer;
    1. Referring back to a specific example from the task and commenting why is was positive or negative
    2. Identifying key skills used and learned and justifying how or why they where good or could have been improved

  2. Daniel you need to add in the targets that Ms. Bundy has set you for this task. You need to complete this for next lesson.
