Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Sunday 3 January 2010

Q2-How does your opening sequence represent particular social groups?

Q2-How does your opening sequence represent particular social groups?


In our opening we introduce the main character and only her so we only represented one type of social group. Different types of genre all have their own codes and conventions So we needed to make our main character appearance and other suit the genre, her costume is a normal top and trousers to show that she is a young teenager so it will be more dramatic rather than her wearing something glamorous or working class. It will also send a message to the audience that she is still young and has a lot of life ahead of her which makes the story more dramatic. We used props like the photo album to show what she has been through and show her happiest emotions, this is a big contrast to how she actually feels in this point in her life. This can make the audience feel sorrier for her and see how her life turned upside down, we also used make-up in the photo album pictures to show how beautiful and model-like she is to show how perfect she looks because when the audience sees a beautiful girl, they never expect anything bad or sad to happen to the girl so it adds dramatic feel to the drama genre. Her dialogue was short but effective, you can tell that something really bad has happen and can feel this girl’s pain. This is similar to ‘Seven pounds’ because near to the end of the opening Will Smith says “In 7 days god created the world... And in 7 seconds, I shattered mine” this is an emotional line so the audience felt his pain, it also goes well with the non-diegetic sound. This is what we were trying to do with the narration, a short statement but emotional. The main character was a popular girl so you'll imagine she be beautiful, happy and everyone loved her, we showed a bit of this in the opening sequence by her photos e.g. with her friends. We thought Esma from the other media class suited this role because we knew she was confident, willing to work and how she speaks was like how a popular girl would sound if we gave her the right advice. We were going for a model look e.g. white girl, brunette and slim and Esma matched all three.

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