Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Monday 4 January 2010

Q5-How did you attract/address your audience?

Q5-How did you attract/address your audience?

In our opening sequence, our idea came from ‘My sister’s keeper’ the way credits roll on the book.
It was a bit successful but took some attention away from the pictures so we tried to balance it out plus we had to take some shots of the pages out because it made the opening to long, dull and boring. We showed the main character changing the page so it shows our creativity instead of just a blank screen or just credits appearing. We had shots for the credits. The non diegetic-sound of our opening sequence makes our opening sequence more dramatic, it changes the mood just by the soundtrack, and it makes the audience think what happened or even feel depressed for her. We wanted the audience to guess or want them to be interested to watch what happens after the opening sequences. After the photo album the main character gets a phone call, she picks it up and you can hear narration which she says “my whole life changed in a second” this would make the audience feel sad but make them what to know what has happened, this is also a line that would stick in their heads. This is one of the techniques that the movie ‘Seven pounds’ used. This is done so you don’t see the main characters face and you just have the camera on the phone at a mid-shot, so it will make the audience guess more than just having her face there. We added an effect when the phone is dropping when we was editing, we put it in slow motion so it has a more dramatic effect when the phone is dropping it tells the audience that something serious has happened and grabs the audience attention. We added effects when the main character turns the page. We dissolved the two shots together where she is looking at the page and when she is turning the page, this happens slowly. We used it because this effect is usually associated with memories and sad emotional times also it fitted perfectly with the soundtrack since the main character was looking through her photo album the effect was convenient since it was all to do with memories and it was an emotional time for her and we wanted the audience to see and know that so the effect worked with the particular moment in the opening sequence. We also made her look through her photo album kneeling down. It shows how she is feeling weak and sad while she is flicking through the pages to add on to the dramatic feeling.
The audience would have knowledge of this genre and will expect some of the things we have added in this film so we are pleasing the audience but we didn’t want to be too predictable so we left the audience wanting to know what happens next, we didn’t want to give the story away and make it too predictable so we used the method we did.

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