Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think I have progressed a lot since my preliminary task because there is a contrast between the work loads. The preliminary task was shot after school whereas the main task needed a whole day to shoot. The preliminary also you had to do what you was told to do, we had instructions by the teacher whereas the main task we was put in groups, we had to make a story up and film it. We were more independent. We needed to find a place to film that would be relevant to our film and genre.
There were problems with our prelim task because our main idea didn’t work because a lot of people were using the room so we had to go to an empty room and work around the script and improvise a bit. It wasn’t the same with the main task although we had some problems with the setting e.g. we didn’t know where to do it and the media office wasn’t available because we needed a room that looks like somewhere in a house, like a home-feel but it got sorted out how we put wall paper and carpet in a room and recorded so you can only see that.
The pre production task, I wasn’t familiar with the equipment so it took quite a while doing a task. There was some techniques I didn’t know like adjusting the zoom speed so I didn’t use zoom in the task because the zoom didn’t run smoothly or it was too fast. I also didn’t know that we could shoot shots in any order to make the process faster so we recorded the shots in order which made the process longer. The task went quite well because we kept continuity, it is important to do this so you don’t cause no confusion or to make everything run smoothly between shots. We almost broke that rule because one of the actors didn’t have headphones on then put them on in the middle of film, so we had to do a shot of him putting his headphones in. We used 180 degree rule when the conversation started because it would confuse the audience if you see person 1 on the left and person 2 on the right then in the middle of the conversation you see person 1 on the right and person 2 on the left. In this task we learnt to work as a group so it was preparing us for the production. It was teaching us that we all needed to put 100% in our work. We had to listen to what each other had to say and had to take care of different jobs. It has developed my group work ability. It improved time management so for the production we would work according to time and don’t run late. We had a problem with our location because it was being used by a lot of people, we should have booked the room so we had to change room and alter the story a bit. This taught us that you need to book a room before using it and we learnt from it by booking a room in the production.
The Production task I was familiar with because I learnt from my mistakes and learnt more about the equipment and shooting since the pre production task because I went to camera equipment class which help me a lot since I was a camera man for my group. We all worked together coming up with the idea of the film, I worked on the artistic side and some of the editing, Josh Freeland worked on the plot and some of the editing and Antoinette Seki worked on the tag lines and the sound so we put in equal part in our work, I was happy with the group work. When we was filming we worked as a group as well because we was all putting ideas but Josh Freeland had to tell the actor what to do because of the director. I feel as a camera man I did my job well because when there was camera movement I was moving it smoothly like when the main character was looking through the photo album plus it was harder because I had to move the camera slowly also when I zoomed in to the pictures I feel my zoom speed was just right to fit the mood of the genre. We also decided to do safety shots just in case our opening sequence wasn’t long enough. In editing I think I haven’t progressed because I was already comfortable with the editing software and find it quite fun. I think I have progressed with everything else since the pre production task. From camera, group work, continuity, time management and creative skills. I know this because the pre production my time management was a bit late from when a certain activity was due but our production our time management was on time and sometimes we were early.
Shooting Schedule

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