Prelim Task

AS opening sequence

Monday 4 January 2010

Q4-Who would be the audience for our production?

Q4-Who would be the audience for our production?

Our film had to appeal to the target audience, so we would use the codes and conventions for our genre to make it appeal to the target audience.
Our film is a drama so it will have emotions that involves the audience maybe make them feel sorry for them or feel happy for them, we aimed to move the audience. The emotions that can be used in drama is love, hate, tragedy and hope.
It is different from other genres e.g. Comedy which is aimed to make you laugh all throughout the film instead of being dramatic, it is the opposite.
I researched the opening of 'Seven Pounds'. It captured the audience emotions straight away, with the music, the narration and the dialog. It started off with a dramatic opening which let the audience know that it is a drama. The primary target audience for this was 12 and over both male and female because it wasn't a chick flick drama.
We our main character is a girl in her teens and it created about her life and the film include emotions like being sad, happy, glad and devastated. I think our primary target audience for this is 15 and over female and secondary target audience is 15 and over male because it is about a girl and dramatic so females are bound to watch but males would be secondary target audience because if they like dramatic films or going to watch with their female partner or friends. Social class would people who are quite rich, earn standard money, teenagers or who is into modelling. The reason I say people who are quite rich because she is an upcoming model where she will meet rich people and start to live a glamorous life. This will let them understand the movie more. I say standard money as well because she starts with a normal and standard life. This will let them understand the movie more and send a dramatic message to the audience saying that you can be anything if you set your mind to it. This makes the drama better because every movie in this genre has a moral to it. Her costume is not glamorous in the opening sequence, it is what a teenager is likely to wear or a young woman this makes primary audience be teenagers as well because it is a movie that they can relate to because of what she is wearing.

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